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Mummy to Dex
Mummy to Dex is where it all began, back in 2016. Predominately a baby led weaning and parenting blog, in 2022, Mummy to Dex received over 1 million sessions to the site.
This audience is mainly women aged 25 to 40 from the UK and US. This site receives 70% of its traffic organically and has a strong DR of 30 and DA of 40.

Travelling with Boys
Our second blog was born in 2019 and is all about travelling with our boys. Travelling with Boys receives 90% of its traffic from Google and has a strong DA of 54.
This Inspiring Life
Our brand new blog is This Inspiring Life which will focus on all things self care and ways to improve your life.
As this is a brand new blog, the traffic and DA are currently low.

Home is my Heart
Our fourth blog was born in 2024 and is all about our family home, DIY tips and tricks and renovation information.
If you’d like to advertise on these sites, please contact us: [email protected]